

DEVILS - Sin, You Sinners!

New Action Sounds, Label: Voodoo Rhythm, (Typ: LP (plus CD)) - This band from Naples, Italy named itself after Ken Russell's super B-Movie "The Devils" from 1971. The duo got their musical...

Records LP (plus CD) New Action Sounds

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Produktübersicht zum Stichwort SINNE

Books - (1)
Books - Movies - (1)
Kostueme - (1)
Kostueme - Superheroes - (1)
Records - (33)
Records - 10 inch - (1)
Records - 10 inch - Rock'n'Roll: 50's - (1)
Records - 12 inch - (1)
Records - 12 inch - Blues Punk - (1)
Records - CD - (4)
Records - CD - Rock'n'Roll: 50's - (1)
Records - CD - Rock'n'Roll: Underground/Independent - (1)
Records - CD - Rockabilly: New Kings - (2)
Records - Doppel-LP - (1)
Records - Doppel-LP - Rock'n'Roll: Underground/Independent - (1)
Records - LP - (25)
Records - LP (plus CD) - (1)
Records - LP (plus CD) - New Action Sounds - (1)
Records - LP - Blues Punk - (1)
Records - LP - Electro Wave Punk - (1)
Records - LP - Exotica/Strip - (1)
Records - LP - Gospel - (2)
Records - LP - Knights of Fuzz - (1)
Records - LP - Psychotic & Desperate - (1)
Records - LP - Rhythm'n'Blues - (1)
Records - LP - Rock - (1)
Records - LP - Rock'n'Roll: 50's - (9)
Records - LP - Rock'n'Roll: Underground/Independent - (4)
Records - LP - Rockabilly: New Kings - (2)
Records - LP - Soul - (1)
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